Friday, November 29, 2019

102 Critical Reading and Integrity Professor Ramos Blog

102 Critical Reading and Integrity Quick Write Quick Write What is Integrity? Integrity: 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty 2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished. What does it mean to be a person of integrity? Are you a person of integrity? Integrity and Hypocrisy What is hypocrisy? Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense. Rep. Tim Murphy resigns from Congress after Allegedly asking a Woman to have Abortion. Member of the Pro-Life Caucus Research Any questions on research? We are researching not to find a ready made answer to our problem, but to find evidence to examine and support the answer we come up with. There is no perfect source, but sources that will help us to learn about the topic/point/problem we are researching. It is up to you to come up with a solution to the problem and support it using reliable evidenc.e Chp. 2 Critical Reading Active Reading Previewing Author: You can discern information from the author or the author bio. Place of Publication: may reveal subject, style, and approach. Title: May give an idea about the text. Context: Consider the situational conditions the text was produced. Context of production Content of consumption Skimming: Pay close attention to headings and subheadings. Look for the Thesis. Thesis: The main point or major claim The First and Last Rule Authors place main points of emphasis at the beginning and ending of essays, paragraphs, and sentences. Reading with a Careful Eye Underline, highlight, or annotate the text. Read for the main points, or important points. Do not highlight everything. Read with a purpose. Read to understand, question, and analyze the text. â€Å"This; Therefore, That† To arrive at a coherent thought or series of thoughts that will lead to a reasonable conclusion. Follow the text you are readings thoughts as well as your own before reaching a conclusion. Define Terms and Concepts Read carefully to how the terms and concepts are used in the argument. Define words and concepts. Summarizing and Paraphrase Summary: Say briefly what the whole adds up to. Paraphrase: a word-by-word or phrase-by-phrase rewording of a text. A translation of the author’s language into your own. Why summary and paraphrase? validate  the basis of your argument. clarify  the complex ideas contained in a text. support  your argument lend authority  to your voice help you build new ideas  from existing ideas on the topic. Paraphrase, Patchwriting, and Plagiarism Quoting: Copy word for word Paraphrase: reword a point or idea. Summarize: the main idea of a text. Patchwriting: produce a medley of borrowed words and original words. Plagiarism: Submitting the work of others intentionally or unintentionally as your own. To avoid plagiarism, carefully track your notes, paraphrases, and summaries. Strategies for Summarizing Summarize paragraphs so you can follow the threads of the argument. A summary can be a sentence, a paragraph, or a page long. Depends on how much room you have and how much you need to include. Summary does not include your own thoughts. Summary does not include your own thoughts. Summaries can be for reading comprehension, but in essay writing the point is to assist your own argument. Remember when writing a summary you are putting yourself into the author’s shoes. Critical Summary A longer summary that you intent to integrate into your own argument, and with your own ideas interjected. Introduce  the summary. Explain  the major point or argument the source makes. Exemplify  by offering one or more representative examples. Problematize  by placing your assessment, analysis, and questions in the summary. Extend  by tying the summary to your argument.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Human Resources Management Example

Human Resources Management Example Human Resources Management – Article Example Human Resources Management Affiliation: The gay rights factor in the societal context continues to elicit mixed reactions all over the world. This contentious issue has critically been integrated into the human resource domain. Over the years, gay rights have evolved to encompass employment rights and nondiscrimination of the gay based on sexual orientation. In his article, Exxon Defies Calls to Add Gays to Anti-Bias Policy, Stewart (2013) explores gay rights in the human resource context using Exxon Mobil as the casing point.Protection of employees against discrimination is a practice that many states in the U.S. advocate for. This advocacy has essentially become socially sensitive to encompass gay rights in the employment environment. However, this has not deterred some companies from defying the call to formulate and implement policies that safeguard gay persons against discrimination in employment. Exxon Mobil is one of those companies. The company has persistently defied the cal l to include gays in its anti-bias policy in the United States (Stewart, 2013).Exxon Mobil continues to act against social pressure in the United States. Mounting social pressure in the United States has progressively supported nondiscriminatory policies relative to gay rights. In this respect, there is a persistent call by the society to have discrimination of the gay at work eliminated. However, employers like Exxon Mobil have argued their case for or against discrimination of gays based on their sexual orientation. Interestingly, the company defies the gay employees’ rights call in the United States but supports the same bid in other countries across the globe.ReferenceStewart, J. B. (2013). â€Å"Exxon Defies Calls to Add Gays to Anti-Bias Policy†. New York Times, May 24. Available online at: giants-missing-support-for-gay-rights.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project proposal - Essay Example Distance-learning and part-time students must have access to a workplace supervisor who holds an MSc or higher award or published in a referred journal. If the student wishes, an additional (second) workplace supervisor can be asked to fulfill this criterion. "I declare this is all my own work and does not contain unreferenced material copied from any other source. If it is shown that any material has been 3lagiarized, I understand that a mark of zero may be awarded and the reason for that mark recorded on my student record." To test the reliability of ADVIA 2120 in revealing accurate red blood cell parameters is the interest of this study. Stricture is critical when providing clinically relevant data on patients with abnormal indices in red blood cells. Red blood cell volume and red blood cellular hemoglobin on specified samples has been found to be accurately measured using ADVIA 2120 flow Cytometry. It was also found to be capable of showing through a histogram variance around the mean in the two measurements. The red cell matrix and the enumerated red cell sub-populations by their Hb and MCV indices or MCV variance are called the Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW). The cellular Hb variance is called the Hemoglobin Distribution Width (HDW). Increased RDW is commonly described morphologically as anisocytosis, and increased HDW is commonly known as anisochromia. In addition to the location of the abnormal red cells on the ADVIA 2120 erythrogram

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Business - Trade and Currency Essay

International Business - Trade and Currency - Essay Example The reason of this paper and the discussion is to prove that counter-trade has more benefits. Through illustration of examples I have tried to prove why counter- trade persist despite currency conversion is possible. Counter- Trade is a form of trade where the importer and the exporter agree to the certain terms where they exchange goods as payment to the goods they will receive. The exchange does not have to occur at the same time. O'Connell. J [2005]. According to London counter trade round table LCR "Counter trade is inherently an ad hoc activity - practice varies according to local regulations and requirements, the nature of the goods to be exported and the current priorities of thee parties involved. Also, the terms used to describe the main modes of trading vary, often interchangeably causing confusion. " There are six division of counter trade. Barter: Exchange of goods or services directly for other goods or services. This does not involve money as a mode of payment. For example if Country A sells electric equipment to Country B in return for cotton - they will hold electric equipment back until they make good profit out of cotton. Switch trading: This is a kind of purchase where the importing Country is obliged to make future purchase from the exporting country. For example, Country A at one time had a large surplus of Rice. If Country B exports goods to Country A, they can use Country A's rice to finance exports by selling it. Counter purchase: When a company in a specific country makes a sale of good or any services that country in return promises to make a future purchase of a particular product from that company. Buyback: This practice is most common with exports of process plant, mining equipment. It's an export of any industrial equipment and in return promise to paid by the outcome of the investment they will make with that product. Offset: A company makes an agreement that they will offset hard - currency purchase of an unspecified product from the other exporting country in the future. For example a country buying an airplane may demand that some parts and components can be obtain in their local economy. Counter trade is also sometimes referred as compensatory trade as it is a kind of trade where both parties are putting them into an agreement, which compensate for hard currency. Counter trade Role in the world market According to Vertariu [1972], that among all business countries there were around 15 of them who are pursuing counter- trade; and up till 1979 the figure reached to about 27; and by the start of 1990s there were almost 100 countries which preferred counter -trade as their choice of business. Officials of the GATT organization have claimed that counter trade accounts have reached to about 5% of the world trade. The British Industry have exceeded to about 15%. As with east-west trade who are more popular with this kind of trade have raised the figure as high as 50%. A consensus of expert opinions Okaroafo [1989] has put the percentage of the value of world trade counter trade from 20% to 25%. Desirability of counter trade: According to (Choi S.R, Tschoegl, A. E., [2003]), counter trade is a safer option, as both parties of a counter-trade deal on the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Identify the major issues affecting the individual in the two chapters Assignment

Identify the major issues affecting the individual in the two chapters in terms of No pity by Joseph Shapiro - Assignment Example This group started a formal program in the dormitory in order to offer rehabilitation services to the disabled persons in 1968. The group gained much strength when the counselor evicted two persons for low grades and his action attracted protests from both disabled and able-bodied students forcing him to resign. Their power expanded from the university to the city where they demanded for the city to cut curb on disabled people. Through the movement, the disabled students got a grant of $81,000 that helped them get accessible apartments with personal attendants. Regulation of section 504 was written by the secretaries of Welfare, Education and Health after a 25-days protest. However, this would costs a lot of funds which were unavailable at the time. This is because building and operating independent living centers would have been very expensive. As such, states were awarded the money to operate the centers with a condition to keep out of political activism. In 1980s and 1990s, students who were graduating from high school were empowered and equipped with a sense of independent living. There has been a series of activism since them with physically disabled persons seeking to gain more independence. One major plausible achievement can be traced to a landmark decision made by the United States Supreme Court which give disabled persons and their families to make decisions on their choice of residence as opposed to regulations that were imposed by the federal government. In the case of Olmstead v. L. C., the court ruled that disabled persons can choose to live in a facility or be de-institutionalized and move into the community. The local, state and federal governments were challenges to make more accessible facilities and services in order to reduce the challenges disabled people face in the community. In this chapter, the deaf students are agitated due to discrimination in the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Development of the Underclass in the 1990s

Development of the Underclass in the 1990s Critically evaluate the research evidence in support of the contention that Britain developed an underclass in the 1990s? What are the main differences between the use of underclass and the concept of social exclusion and why is the distinction important? Introduction The idea that society was stratified and inhabited by different classes of people dates back to the thought of Karl Marx. Marx saw capitalist society as exploitative and oppressive. Marx maintained that the conflicts between those who rule and those who are ruled, would eventually lead to changes in the economic system of a society (Marsh, I et al.2000). According to Marx the blame for class exploitation does not lie with individual capitalists but is inherent in capitalist systems . Conflict and tension are also evident in capitalist systems. These are especially evident between between different groups of wage earners and between the ruling classes these would intensify due to a number of developments, namely polarisation, homogenisation, and pauperisation (Marsh, I et al.2000). Polarisation, Marx believed, would occur as a result of increasing tension and hostility between the ruling class and the working class, within the groups individuals would become more like each other resulting in homogenisation, capitalists in their desire for expansion and workers in their reliance on work in factories rather than on traditional skills. The success of capitalism meant that wages need to be kept down and the gap widened between employers and workers. In this way workers are made poorer, or become unemployed and are pauperised. Marx believed that this would result in social revolution and the setting up of a new social system (Marsh, I et al.2000). This did not happen and such pauperization, it might be argued became the basis for what Charles Murray (1990) has termed the development of an underclass. This paper will evaluate evidence to assess whether and in what ways an underclass may be said to have developed in Britain during the 1990s. It will also look at the main differences between the concept of an underclass and the concept of social exclusion and why this distinction is important. Charles Murray and the Underclass Charles Murray is an American and his theory of the underclass was originally developed in over there. He saw an increase in violent crime, a rise in the number of illegitimate births and people dropping out from the labour force, it was on this basis that he formed his theory of a developing underclass. He then attempted to apply this theory to the UK where he observed similar phenomenon taking place. Some of his views led to heated debates, particularly with regard to single mothers, during the Thatcher and Major governments and under New Labour. Unlike America, Britain is more of a welfare state, or was at the time, and he believed that the over provision of welfare services encouraged welfare dependency and a decreasing desire to work for a living (Murray, 1989). Greater welfare provision, he argued encouraged young girls to have children out of wedlock because they no longer had to rely on a man to support them and their child. The culture of dependency that Murray identified, did, he argued, have a generational aspect. Young males growing up without proper role models ran wild and fathered illegitimate children themselves thus continuing a dependency culture. Debates in England His arguments were welcomed by the then Conservative Government who had already vowed to roll back the welfare state. Claiming themselves to be the party of the family (Giddens, 2001) they agreed with Murray that those who did not work should not have children. Those who did have children out of wedlock and could not support them should have their benefits stopped and be forced to give their children up for adoption. Throughout the 1990s this view was espoused by a number of British politicians who aired their views on television debating shows. Although this did not happen, successive Governments have tightened their hold on benefits purse strings and made life much harder for those who have to live on welfare benefits. This had further repercussions in policy making in the UK. The Housing Act of 1996 was seen by many as a result of these debates and deleted some groups from local authority housing lists those people e.g. single mothers, who had been a priority when it came to local authority housing allocation, thus reducing the responsibility towards the homeless for local authorities. It also brought in the Single Persons Homeless Register, thus reducing responsibility for those who would have been seen as in priority need (Bramley et al, 2005). During this time increased unemployment left large numbers dependent on benefits. The number of those who are long-term unemployed also rose. Social changes and successive government policies has widened the gap between rich and poor. Field (1996) has argued that the actions of the Conservative Government in targeting benefits through means testing, actually increased welfare dependency and put people into an inescapable poverty trap. Field further maintains that these policies were a major factor in the developm ent of an underclass in Britain. However, in Field’s view the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of the Thatcher and Major governments. The Underclass and Ethnicity Some of Murray’s views might be considered racist, in that he claims that black people are less intelligent than whites and black women are more likely to have illegitimate children and live on benefits. Giddens supports Murray’s ideas of an underclass and (albeit for market reasons rather than the reasons given by Murray) also argues that a dual labour market is in operation and as a result of discrimination the underclass contains a high proportion of people from ethnic minorities. Much of what he has to say pre-empts Murray’s work as it was written in 1973. Where ethnic differences serves as a disqualifying market capacity, such that those in the category are heavily concentrated in the lowest paid occupations, or are chronically unemployed or self-employed, we may speak of the existence of and underclass (Giddens, 1973:112). Gaillie (1994) has questioned the arguments of Murray and Giddens. He disputes the idea that the underclass develops a specific culture and maintains that there is little evidence to support the existence of a dual labour market. He does however, acknowledge that the position of many people in the labour market has been weakened to the point where they are working for slave wages. While this does tend to support the existence of an underclass, Gaillie refutes the notion that such groups are forming either a class or a culture. Murray’s Later Work Writing in 1999 Murray observed that unemployment among young males was much higher than ten years earlier. He disputes the findings of others when he maintains that there was no evidence to suggest that this was the result of a shrinking market. He cites a rise in crime rates, particularly violent crime as further evidence that an underclass sin Britain is developing in the same way as in America. These figures are however disputed by other theorists who would argue that although the crime rate is high it has been on a downturn. He also refers again to the number of single parent families, but figures in Britain evidence that the majority of single parent families are that way as a result of divorce or the death of a partner, rather than the never married single mother. Some of what Murray has to say takes little account of other social problems that may contribute to people living on the margins of society. Some of the groups that Murray refers to might be said to be socially exclu ded, but this is not the same thing as an underclass. Social Exclusion Social exclusion is a term used in a variety of ways but is generally seen to refer to those people who for one reason or another are not fully included in the social life of a community. The reasons for social exclusion are connected, and are poverty, unemployment, and a lack of education. These are not only reasons however, where a person lives, their ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disabilities are also reasons why they might be regarded as excluded. Government recognises that they cannot tackle social exclusion unless they adopt an approach that deals with all these issues together (ODPM, 2004). However, much Government discourse tends to make little distinction between the socially excluded and an underclass because many of its documents refer to single parent families, anti-social behaviour and youth crime. This is wrong because people can be socially excluded without being part of a sub-culture or underclass, if such a thing exists. Social exclusion is a process that stops p eople from fully participating in society (Giddens, 2001) whereas the concept of an underclass implies that some people choose to opt out of society. Conclusion Although there are times where Murray presents a convincing argument, it is not convincing enough to be able to say that there really is an underclass in Britain. Too many different forces could account for the increase in the number of people on benefits, not least a shrinking labour market which Murray refuses to acknowledge, even though many theorist will agree that this is a global phenomenon. Some points that he makes could place people in the category of socially excluded, but as this paper has attempted to establish that is not the same thing as being a member of an underclass. It is certainly the case that some groups of people are a lot less fortunate than others. Many single parents are forced to rely on benefits because if they go to work they will be even worse off. The costs of childcare are astronomical. In conclusion I would say that the evidence does not support Murray’s theory of an underclass. It does tend to suggest that we live in a society where the gap be tween rich and poor gets wider every day. This in turn means that people are excluded from full social participation e.g. many parents cannot afford for their children to go on school trips. People who live in poorer areas go to the worst schools and so exclusion becomes a vicious circle, but that is not the same thing as saying an underclass is developing in Britain. Bibliography Bramley et al, 2005 Evaluation of English Housing Policy 1975-2002 Field, F. 1996. Stakeholder Welfare. London, IEA Gaillie, D 1994 â€Å" Are the unemployed and underclass? Some evidence from the social change and economic life initiative† Sociology 28, 3 pp737-757 Giddens A 1973 The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies London, Hutchinson Giddens A 2001 Sociology 4th ed Cambridge Polity Murray, C 1989 Underclass Sunday Times Magazine I 26th November Murray, C 2000 Underclass+10 Charles Murray and the British Underclass 1990-2000 London, Civitas in association with The Sunday Times ODPM, 2004. Theme 1: Supply, Need and Access London ODPM Walsh, I ed. 2000 Sociology: Making Sense of Society. Edinburgh, Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Admissions Essay - Medical School and Shopping :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

Admissions Essay -  Medical School and Shopping    My mom and I are the type of women who refuse to spend too much money for quality clothing. We are admittedly shopaholics. Our escapades can last for days and my mother always outlasts me! Well, always does not last forever. One day, my mother and I were on one of our short safaris. She had been complaining of headaches but, ever the trooper, she insisted we go (1-Day Sale, of course!). When we reached our destination my mother was dizzy and her head was pounding. Worried, I ushered her into a local drug store, where we found one of those standing blood pressure machines. My mother gave me a weak smile as I turned to sit down and wait for the results. That's when I heard the crash. My mother and the machine were keeling over in a horrid cascade of mom, machine and medicine. I rushed to her aid and desperately tried to keep her from completely falling onto the ground. My mother passed out due to extremely high blood pressure and I could do nothing about it. Throughout my academic care er, I had been sure of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life-be a doctor. I was not emotionally committed to this endeavor until that eight grade year when my mother and I were helpless.    Ever since that day, I have been on a mission. Determined to learn more, I actively researched my family's medical history. Finding that both sides record hypertension and cardiovascular disease as problems, I decided to delve deeper. This time I found that African Americans as a group historically suffer from those same complications. The more I learned, the more I fell in love with the intricacies of the circular system. Things such as, the components of the blood and their different duties, the specialized characteristics of cardiac muscles and the blood's bicarbonate buffer system all fascinated me as I traveled through course work. Book knowledge turned to field knowledge as I decided to pursue other avenues of understanding. I worked with the Red Cross Blood Drive in high school; carrying blood, helping the nurses and learning more. I interviewed three doctors; a cardiologist, an internist and an obstetrician-gynecologist to find out more about the profession and what it takes to be an M.D. Although the internist tried to dissuade me from pursuing he practice, I gleaned the good and the bad from all three doctors and judged for myself the validity of what I wanted to do.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sex Tourism

Gender and the Economy of Sex Tourism In Kenya’s Coast Province Introduction â€Å"Sex tourism requires Third World women to be economically desperate enough to enter into prostitution; once they do so, it becomes difficult to leave. The other side of the equation requires men from affluent societies to imagine that African women are more available and submissive than women in their own countries. Finally, the industry depends on alliance between local governments in search of foreign currency and local foreign business willing to invest in sexualized travel† (Enloe, 2000:36). Otherwise known as sex prostitution, sex tourism is tourism for which the main motivation of the trip is to consummate or engage in commercial sexual relations (Graburn 1983; Hall 1991; Ryan and Hall 2001). The number of men and women travelling to Third World countries seeking sex tourism has increased tremendously (Herold et al. 2001). In the past, notorious sex destinations have been mainly the South East Asian countries, today it has spread to other regions of the world including Kenya, Tunisia, South Africa, Brazil and The Gambia (Ryan and Hall 2001, Enloe2002; Chissim 1996). This paper discusses gender and the political economy of sex tourism on the Kenyan Coast, its health and socio- economic impacts. International Tourism and Sex Tourism in Kenya Tourists visit Kenya because of several reasons including its beautiful landscape, wildlife safari, the humid climatic conditions along the Kenyan Coast and the beautiful Coastal beaches. International tourist arrivals in Kenya have been increasing tremendously from 69 million in 1960 to 160 million in 1970, 458 million in 1990, and 625 million in 1998 (WTO, 1999). This increase has led to massive increase in sex tourism, a condition evidenced by inclusion of Kenya among the world’s leading sex tourism destinations (Vatican 2003; Boston Globe 1995; East African Standard 1995 and Chessim 1996). Although not officially stated, a good percentage of foreign tourists who visit Kenya often indulge in sex tourism during their trip (Chissam 1996; Sindiga 1999). These tourists mainly come from Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Italy and France. Others are from North America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and European countries such as Spain and Sweden. Many of these countries have been generating sex tourists to some of the world’s renowned sex tourism destinations such as Thailand (Ryan and Hall 2001). Hence we can conclude that they are likely to engage in the same activity while in Kenya. Kenya is a developing country with agriculture contributing 24. 0% of GDP. Overall, Kenya’s economic performance has been declining since early 1990’s. The country’s per capita is about US$ 260 and more than 70% of Kenyan population currently lives below the poverty line; the worst hit are women (CBS 2001). The Economics of Tourism and Sex Industry The main economic activity in Kenya at independence in 1963 was Agriculture whereby the country relied on cash crop exports. After independence, the government tried to diversify the economy by implementing an â€Å"open door† economic policy to attract foreign investment. However, the limitations of agricultural and manufacturing sectors coupled with the appreciation of employment potential forced Kenyan government to turn to tourism as a central industry. Since 1987, tourism industry has been the leading foreign exchange earner, (CBS 2001) surpassing the traditional export crops of coffee and tea (Gakuhu1992; Weaver 1998 and CBS 2001). The industry employs about 1. 5 million Kenyans, approximately 8% of wage earning labor force (Weaver, 1998 and CBS 1999). In addition, Tourism is linked to many domestic industries and it is a potentially useful tool for generating development in neglected areas. The industry also contributes substantially to government revenues through taxes and import duties. Tourism is therefore officially promoted in Kenya as the main foreign exchange earner, source of employment and general development. Its significance on the Kenyan economy has a lot of bearing on tourism policies including those related to sex tourism. Sex Tourism Market on the Kenyan Coast Sex tourism is believed to be increasing at a high rate in Kenya. This is mainly because of the reality that there is a sex tourism market for female and male tourists. Female tourists, mainly from European countries come to Kenya to meet with local beach boys because they imagine that black men (or men of color) are stronger and more active in bed than men in their home countries. On the other hand, male tourists come to Kenya to meet with black women; mainly young girls who are believed to be ‘hot’ in bed. Child prostitution is also emerging in Kenya involving young boys and girls. This is commonly along the Kenyan coast where many children choose not to go to school but instead go to beaches in search for white men and women from European countries who exploit them sexually. The Kenyan Coast located along the Indian Ocean caters for about 66% of Kenyan tourism activities. Sex tourism is a major activity in Kenyan Coast (Sindiga 1999, Migot-Adhola et al 1982; Bechmann 1985). The Kenya coast as a tourism destination has existed since 1920 attracting mainly the white settlers and colonial government officials who sought holiday excitements. Major tourist attractions at the Kenyan coast include the wildlife, white sandy beaches, sun, sea, sex, scene features, diverse cultures, hospitable people, historical sites, national museums, national parks and reserves near the coast and tourism facilities of international standard such as hotels and airport. The presence and availability of Britons, Germans, Italians, Americans and others in Mombasa and other coastal towns in search of rest, fun and recreation has been the main factor attracting Kenyan girls and children to get involved in sex tourism (Sindiga 1999 and Chissim 1996). Different Forms of Sex Tourism Sex tourism sometimes involves production of videos featuring nude dancing in which no direct physical contact occurs; the tourists engage in voyeurism. There are also casual prostitutes or freelancers who move in and out of prostitution depending on their financial needs. In this case, sex tourism may be regarded as incomplete commercialized and the relationship between sex worker and the client may be ridden with ambiguities (Cohen 1982; Ryan and Hall 2001), particularly if the relationship shifts from an economic to a social base. However, some women entering into sex tourism in Kenya are not financially needy but only seeking fun and ‘social class’, whereby the community views women seen socializing with white men with high esteem and associate them with wealth and success in life. Some of these women have jobs in noble professions while others are college students. There is also the more formalized form of prostitution where the workers operate through intermediaries. Since sex tourism is illegal in Kenya, prostitutes use entertainment establishments such as night clubs, bars, beaches and other retail outlets to get customers. The other type of sex tourism is that of bonded prostitutes. This is more of slavery because it is enforced by people such as family members through abductions and kidnapping. Motivation Factors: Why do Tourists Look for Sex Most tourists tend to behave differently while in the countries they are touring. This is because there is an assurance of anonymity, which releases them from the usual restraints, which determine their behavior in their home countries. Tourism allows people â€Å"to lose their identity† and gives them the freedom to escape realities and live their fantasies. They spend more money, relax more, drink more, eat more and get involved in pleasures they would not at home. Men who would never visit brothels in their home countries will end up doing so in a foreign country where there is negligible chance of detection and penalty. For the same reason, women who would never have sex with boys young enough to be their grand children at their home country would do so in a foreign country. Tourists tend to seek commercial sex services in Kenya because the services are readily available and quite cheap compared to what they would pay for such services in their home countries. Such tourists are able to enjoy lifestyles they could never enjoy in their home countries. Furthermore, some of these tourists may hold menial jobs in their industrialized home countries but because of the disparity in salaries and high exchange rates, they may appear comparatively rich when in a poorer country like Kenya. They would therefore tend to spend their money in sexual activities that they associate with the rich and the famous in their home countries. Chissim has illustrated this in his interview with a German tourist visiting Kenya (Chissim 1996:18). â€Å"†¦. Morco said he was in Kenya for a month but within four days, he boasted of already fucking five girls. He said he fucked one girl on the beach but pretended that he had no money, so he got that one for free. Another girl he fucked on the beach for 100/- (about $1) and told her that he had no more money. The others he said he had to pay 200/- (about $3) †¦Ã¢â‚¬  For some of these tourists, Kenya represents Africa where life is perceived as raw and wild and a place where people are uncontrolled, liberal and polygamous. These reasons partly explain why some European women visit Kenya to look for sex from beach boys young enough to be their grandsons. It is estimated that more than 5% of all European women who visit Kenya go in search of sex, especially those from German, Switzerland and Italy (New York Times Feb. 14, 2002). Many Kenyan communities highly value virginity. This motivates tourists to have sex with younger girls; in the anticipation of having sex with a virgin who may be free from HIV/ AIDS. Some tourists engage in sex tourism because they may be fleeing from unhappy relationships at home and, perhaps, from women who may tend to question male domination. Male supremacy is perceived as a natural kind of authority in many cultures and world religions. Cultural values defining traditional male sex roles are power, dominance, strength and supremacy, while those defining female roles are submissiveness, weakness, inferiority and passivity. Women are perceived as property of men and sex as exchange of goods, which further entrenches male supremacy. This notion also teaches men that females are worthless and less deserving and may be treated as objects of men. The mafia- style drugs and sex industry along the Kenyan coast is another motivating factor for sex tourism. People with a lot of money are capable of bribing their way out of trouble if caught Such people are also responsible for organizing sex services for clients outside the country (Sindiga 1999; Chessim 1996). Supply Factors: Why Do Sex Workers Get Involved â€Å"Many times I don’t feel anything during sexual encounters. It is because I need money for myself and my children that I keep doing it. I have learned to do motions mechanically in order to satisfy my clients. If I do it well, they will come back and that means more money. † (Lin Lean Lim 2000:74). This Filipino woman quoted by Lin Lean Lim expresses the reason why many women from Third World countries practice sex tourism and their feelings about sex work. The main reason for sex tourism for many is poverty. Many Kenyan women are economically desperate. With the increasing rate of unemployment and high cost of living, prostitution is left as the only option for them to earn a living and support their children. Such women migrate to coast with hope of finding white tourists who can pay more for the services or even may end up marrying them. Some girls involved in sex tourism come from broken homes or very poor family backgrounds and are never taken to school to attain formal education. They resolve to sex prostitution as a means of supporting themselves economically. In Kenya, women are generally poorer than men because women have limited access to resources such as land, capital, farm equipments and agricultural inputs. Inheritance practices in most Kenyan communities seem to favor men. This means that men can easily have access to other productive resources because they can use land as security to borrow money if needed to purchase other productive resources. This option is normally not available for women. In many Kenyan communities, illiteracy levels in women are higher than those of men. This is because parents give priority to boy’s education particularly if resources are limited. Along the coast, education is not valued because people from these areas are used to receiving tokens and money from the tourists. Children of school going age therefore prefer to go to beaches in search for tourists who give them tokens in exchange for sex. Other factors affecting education for girls include unwanted pregnancies and the fact that they are forced to early marriages by their parents for economic gains. Kenyan women are discriminated against in most areas of formal employment and more often left with poorly paid jobs or no jobs at all. This makes prostitution an alternative. The HIV/AIDS scourge in Kenya is estimated to claim 500 lives daily leaving many orphans. The young children left become heads of the families and may often turn to sex tourism and prostitution as a means of earning a living to support their siblings. Impact of Sex Tourism in Kenya Sex tourism can be seen as both a risk and an opportunity. Most women in sex tourism face the risk of material loss because their clients may not pay them for the services (ref. The Marco case). Women are generally helpless against such exploitation and take it as part of their business. Sex workers face the risk of losing their money to thieves and police because they have to bribe their way out if caught as they mostly work at night. Women can sometimes face attacks by dissatisfied customers. These attacks may be in form of rape, cruelty, violence or even murder. â€Å"Monica Njeri was a 32- year old mother of two and a prostitute in Mombasa. She was brutally murdered by Frank Sundstrom a 19 year old USA navy service man who wanted the kind of sex that Monica could not provide. When he was not satisfied with merely sleeping, he woke up and tried to steal back the money he had given to her plus her own money but she woke up and caught him in the act. In ensuing struggle, he broke a beer bottle to make a weapon and repeatedly stabbed her until she died. † (Migot- Adhola 1982:74). Although Sundstrom admitted the offence, his only sentence was to sign a bond of 500/- (equivalent to US$46 at that time) to be of good conduct. Women in sex tourism industry and prostitution are continually exposed to sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. Many tourists may not accept to use protection such as condoms because they argue that it interrupts the flow of sex and carrying it may imply that one is promiscuous (Clift and Grabowski 1997). Sex workers are also faced with the danger of susceptibility to anal or cervical cancers, additionally, since many women are forced into sex work, many of them only work under influence of drugs and/or alcohol. This may lead to depression or alcohol addiction. Sex tourism has been blamed in Kenyan coast for increasing rate of school drop-out, poverty and illiteracy. This is mainly because children of school going age choose not to school but to follow tourists who lure them to sex tourism. However, some women that have risked sex tourism have been able to build better houses and invested in urban businesses. This is largely because earnings from prostitution are often more than those from other alternative employment opportunities open to women. Sex workers contribute to national economy by boosting profits of many transnational hotels and airlines, taxi drivers, brothel owners and many other intermediaries. The Kenyan police, the state, as well as the local and international enterprises are well aware that sex has a market value even though they proclaim that prostitution is immoral (Ryan and Hall 2001). Sex tourism has also contributed to cultural exchange because many sea workers are forced to learn foreign languages so that they can communicate with their clients. There are occasions when these temporary relationships ave led to marriages hence removing such girls from prostitution. The other positive impact is that health workers are encouraged to go for regular medical checkups because of the nature of their work, hence paying more attention to their health. Bibliography Awanohara 1975. Protesting the sexual imperialists. Far Eastern Economic Review, 87 (21st March) PP 5-6. Bishop, R. and Robinson, L. S. 1998. Night Ma rket: Sexual cultures and the Thai Economic Miracle, London and New York: Routledge. Boston Globe Thursday November 23, 1995 Cater, E. A 1989 â€Å"Tourism in less Developed Countries†. In Annals of Tourism Research Vol. 16 No. 4. Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 2001 Economic Survey of Kenya. Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 2002 Economic Survey of Kenya. Chissim F. 1996. An exploratory and Descriptive Research on Child Prostitution and Tourism in Kenya. EPAT Report, Nairobi. Clift S and Grabowski, 1997 Tourism and Health: Risks, Research and Responses. Biddles Ltd, Guilford and King’s Lynn Cohen, E 1988. Tourism and AIDS in Thailand. Annals of Tourism Research, 15 (4), PP 467-86 Cohen, E. 1982. Thai Girls and Farang men: The Edge of Ambiguity Annals of tourism Research, 9 (3) PP 403-28 Collins Patricia Hills 2000. The Sexual Politics of Black Womanhood. In Disch Estelle(ed). Reconstructing Gender. A multicultural Anthology. Mayfield publishing East Africa Standard September 12, 1995 Enloe, Cynthia (2000) â€Å"On the Beach; Sexism and Tourism† in Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of the International Politics: University of California press (2nd edition) Pp 19-41 Enloe, Cynthia 2002. The prostitute, the colonel and the Nationalist, in: Enloe, Cynthia: Maneuvers: The international politics of militarising women’s lives: London and Los Angeles: University of California Press (2nd Edition) pp 19-41 Ennew, J 1986. The sexual exploitation of children. Polity press, Cambridge Fish, M. 1984 Controlling Sex Sales to Tourists: Commenting on Graburn and Cohen. Annals of Tourism Research 11(4) 615-617. Gakahu C. G and Goode B. E 1992. Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Kenya. Wildlife Conservation International. Graburn, N. H 1983. Tourism and prostitution, Annals of Tourism Research, 10:437-56 Hall C. M. 1994. Nature and Implications of Sex tourism in South-East Asia in: V. H. Kinnaird and D. R. Hall (ed) Tourism: A Gender Analysis Chichester, John Wiley PP-142-163 Harrison, David 1992, (ed) Tourism and the Less Developed Countries. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. Jommo, R. B (1987: Indigenous enterprise in Kenya's tourism industry Geneva: itineraires etudes du development , Institute Universitaire d'Etudes du Development). Lim, Lean Lin 1998. Whither the sex sector? Some policy considerations University of California press, pp 49-108. Migot-Adhola, S. E et al ,1982. Study of Tourism in Kenya with emphasis on the attitudes of the Residents of the Coast. Institute for Development Studies Consultancy Report No. 7, Nairobi University Montgomery Heather 2001. Child Sex Tourism in Thailand: In D. Harrison ed. Tourism and the Less Developed World Issues and Case Studies. Pruitt. D. and Lafont S. 1995 For Love and Money: romance tourism in Jamaica, Annals of Tourism research 22(2); 419 – 440. Richter, L. K. 1995. Exploring the political role of gender in tourism research. In W. F. Theobald (ed. ) Global Tourism in the next decade. Oxford Boston: Butterworth Heinemann. Ryan Chris and Hall C Michael (2001): Sex Tourism: Marginal People and Liminalities Routledge London Ryan Chris (1991) Tourism and Marketing. A symbiotic Relationship? Tourism Management Journal pp 101-109. Butterworth –Heinenmann Ryan. C. and Rachel Kinder (1996). Sex, tourism and sex tourism: fulfilling similar needs? Tourism Management 17(7): 507-518. Elservier Science Ltd . Sindiga Isaac 1999: Tourism and African Development: Change and Challenge of Tourism in Kenya. African Study Centre. Leiden The Nertherlands Truong, Thanh-Dam 1983. The dynamics of sex tourism. The case of South-east Asia. Development and change 14, 533-53. Weaver, D. B. 1998 Ecotourism in less developed world. CAB International World Tourism Organisation,1999. Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. WTO, Madrid, Spain. Young, G. 1973. Tourism: Blessings or Blight? Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. The Vatican representative to WTO (2003). http://www. cathnews. com/news/304/43. php Sex Tourism Gender and the Economy of Sex Tourism In Kenya’s Coast Province Introduction â€Å"Sex tourism requires Third World women to be economically desperate enough to enter into prostitution; once they do so, it becomes difficult to leave. The other side of the equation requires men from affluent societies to imagine that African women are more available and submissive than women in their own countries. Finally, the industry depends on alliance between local governments in search of foreign currency and local foreign business willing to invest in sexualized travel† (Enloe, 2000:36). Otherwise known as sex prostitution, sex tourism is tourism for which the main motivation of the trip is to consummate or engage in commercial sexual relations (Graburn 1983; Hall 1991; Ryan and Hall 2001). The number of men and women travelling to Third World countries seeking sex tourism has increased tremendously (Herold et al. 2001). In the past, notorious sex destinations have been mainly the South East Asian countries, today it has spread to other regions of the world including Kenya, Tunisia, South Africa, Brazil and The Gambia (Ryan and Hall 2001, Enloe2002; Chissim 1996). This paper discusses gender and the political economy of sex tourism on the Kenyan Coast, its health and socio- economic impacts. International Tourism and Sex Tourism in Kenya Tourists visit Kenya because of several reasons including its beautiful landscape, wildlife safari, the humid climatic conditions along the Kenyan Coast and the beautiful Coastal beaches. International tourist arrivals in Kenya have been increasing tremendously from 69 million in 1960 to 160 million in 1970, 458 million in 1990, and 625 million in 1998 (WTO, 1999). This increase has led to massive increase in sex tourism, a condition evidenced by inclusion of Kenya among the world’s leading sex tourism destinations (Vatican 2003; Boston Globe 1995; East African Standard 1995 and Chessim 1996). Although not officially stated, a good percentage of foreign tourists who visit Kenya often indulge in sex tourism during their trip (Chissam 1996; Sindiga 1999). These tourists mainly come from Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Italy and France. Others are from North America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and European countries such as Spain and Sweden. Many of these countries have been generating sex tourists to some of the world’s renowned sex tourism destinations such as Thailand (Ryan and Hall 2001). Hence we can conclude that they are likely to engage in the same activity while in Kenya. Kenya is a developing country with agriculture contributing 24. 0% of GDP. Overall, Kenya’s economic performance has been declining since early 1990’s. The country’s per capita is about US$ 260 and more than 70% of Kenyan population currently lives below the poverty line; the worst hit are women (CBS 2001). The Economics of Tourism and Sex Industry The main economic activity in Kenya at independence in 1963 was Agriculture whereby the country relied on cash crop exports. After independence, the government tried to diversify the economy by implementing an â€Å"open door† economic policy to attract foreign investment. However, the limitations of agricultural and manufacturing sectors coupled with the appreciation of employment potential forced Kenyan government to turn to tourism as a central industry. Since 1987, tourism industry has been the leading foreign exchange earner, (CBS 2001) surpassing the traditional export crops of coffee and tea (Gakuhu1992; Weaver 1998 and CBS 2001). The industry employs about 1. 5 million Kenyans, approximately 8% of wage earning labor force (Weaver, 1998 and CBS 1999). In addition, Tourism is linked to many domestic industries and it is a potentially useful tool for generating development in neglected areas. The industry also contributes substantially to government revenues through taxes and import duties. Tourism is therefore officially promoted in Kenya as the main foreign exchange earner, source of employment and general development. Its significance on the Kenyan economy has a lot of bearing on tourism policies including those related to sex tourism. Sex Tourism Market on the Kenyan Coast Sex tourism is believed to be increasing at a high rate in Kenya. This is mainly because of the reality that there is a sex tourism market for female and male tourists. Female tourists, mainly from European countries come to Kenya to meet with local beach boys because they imagine that black men (or men of color) are stronger and more active in bed than men in their home countries. On the other hand, male tourists come to Kenya to meet with black women; mainly young girls who are believed to be ‘hot’ in bed. Child prostitution is also emerging in Kenya involving young boys and girls. This is commonly along the Kenyan coast where many children choose not to go to school but instead go to beaches in search for white men and women from European countries who exploit them sexually. The Kenyan Coast located along the Indian Ocean caters for about 66% of Kenyan tourism activities. Sex tourism is a major activity in Kenyan Coast (Sindiga 1999, Migot-Adhola et al 1982; Bechmann 1985). The Kenya coast as a tourism destination has existed since 1920 attracting mainly the white settlers and colonial government officials who sought holiday excitements. Major tourist attractions at the Kenyan coast include the wildlife, white sandy beaches, sun, sea, sex, scene features, diverse cultures, hospitable people, historical sites, national museums, national parks and reserves near the coast and tourism facilities of international standard such as hotels and airport. The presence and availability of Britons, Germans, Italians, Americans and others in Mombasa and other coastal towns in search of rest, fun and recreation has been the main factor attracting Kenyan girls and children to get involved in sex tourism (Sindiga 1999 and Chissim 1996). Different Forms of Sex Tourism Sex tourism sometimes involves production of videos featuring nude dancing in which no direct physical contact occurs; the tourists engage in voyeurism. There are also casual prostitutes or freelancers who move in and out of prostitution depending on their financial needs. In this case, sex tourism may be regarded as incomplete commercialized and the relationship between sex worker and the client may be ridden with ambiguities (Cohen 1982; Ryan and Hall 2001), particularly if the relationship shifts from an economic to a social base. However, some women entering into sex tourism in Kenya are not financially needy but only seeking fun and ‘social class’, whereby the community views women seen socializing with white men with high esteem and associate them with wealth and success in life. Some of these women have jobs in noble professions while others are college students. There is also the more formalized form of prostitution where the workers operate through intermediaries. Since sex tourism is illegal in Kenya, prostitutes use entertainment establishments such as night clubs, bars, beaches and other retail outlets to get customers. The other type of sex tourism is that of bonded prostitutes. This is more of slavery because it is enforced by people such as family members through abductions and kidnapping. Motivation Factors: Why do Tourists Look for Sex Most tourists tend to behave differently while in the countries they are touring. This is because there is an assurance of anonymity, which releases them from the usual restraints, which determine their behavior in their home countries. Tourism allows people â€Å"to lose their identity† and gives them the freedom to escape realities and live their fantasies. They spend more money, relax more, drink more, eat more and get involved in pleasures they would not at home. Men who would never visit brothels in their home countries will end up doing so in a foreign country where there is negligible chance of detection and penalty. For the same reason, women who would never have sex with boys young enough to be their grand children at their home country would do so in a foreign country. Tourists tend to seek commercial sex services in Kenya because the services are readily available and quite cheap compared to what they would pay for such services in their home countries. Such tourists are able to enjoy lifestyles they could never enjoy in their home countries. Furthermore, some of these tourists may hold menial jobs in their industrialized home countries but because of the disparity in salaries and high exchange rates, they may appear comparatively rich when in a poorer country like Kenya. They would therefore tend to spend their money in sexual activities that they associate with the rich and the famous in their home countries. Chissim has illustrated this in his interview with a German tourist visiting Kenya (Chissim 1996:18). â€Å"†¦. Morco said he was in Kenya for a month but within four days, he boasted of already fucking five girls. He said he fucked one girl on the beach but pretended that he had no money, so he got that one for free. Another girl he fucked on the beach for 100/- (about $1) and told her that he had no more money. The others he said he had to pay 200/- (about $3) †¦Ã¢â‚¬  For some of these tourists, Kenya represents Africa where life is perceived as raw and wild and a place where people are uncontrolled, liberal and polygamous. These reasons partly explain why some European women visit Kenya to look for sex from beach boys young enough to be their grandsons. It is estimated that more than 5% of all European women who visit Kenya go in search of sex, especially those from German, Switzerland and Italy (New York Times Feb. 14, 2002). Many Kenyan communities highly value virginity. This motivates tourists to have sex with younger girls; in the anticipation of having sex with a virgin who may be free from HIV/ AIDS. Some tourists engage in sex tourism because they may be fleeing from unhappy relationships at home and, perhaps, from women who may tend to question male domination. Male supremacy is perceived as a natural kind of authority in many cultures and world religions. Cultural values defining traditional male sex roles are power, dominance, strength and supremacy, while those defining female roles are submissiveness, weakness, inferiority and passivity. Women are perceived as property of men and sex as exchange of goods, which further entrenches male supremacy. This notion also teaches men that females are worthless and less deserving and may be treated as objects of men. The mafia- style drugs and sex industry along the Kenyan coast is another motivating factor for sex tourism. People with a lot of money are capable of bribing their way out of trouble if caught Such people are also responsible for organizing sex services for clients outside the country (Sindiga 1999; Chessim 1996). Supply Factors: Why Do Sex Workers Get Involved â€Å"Many times I don’t feel anything during sexual encounters. It is because I need money for myself and my children that I keep doing it. I have learned to do motions mechanically in order to satisfy my clients. If I do it well, they will come back and that means more money. † (Lin Lean Lim 2000:74). This Filipino woman quoted by Lin Lean Lim expresses the reason why many women from Third World countries practice sex tourism and their feelings about sex work. The main reason for sex tourism for many is poverty. Many Kenyan women are economically desperate. With the increasing rate of unemployment and high cost of living, prostitution is left as the only option for them to earn a living and support their children. Such women migrate to coast with hope of finding white tourists who can pay more for the services or even may end up marrying them. Some girls involved in sex tourism come from broken homes or very poor family backgrounds and are never taken to school to attain formal education. They resolve to sex prostitution as a means of supporting themselves economically. In Kenya, women are generally poorer than men because women have limited access to resources such as land, capital, farm equipments and agricultural inputs. Inheritance practices in most Kenyan communities seem to favor men. This means that men can easily have access to other productive resources because they can use land as security to borrow money if needed to purchase other productive resources. This option is normally not available for women. In many Kenyan communities, illiteracy levels in women are higher than those of men. This is because parents give priority to boy’s education particularly if resources are limited. Along the coast, education is not valued because people from these areas are used to receiving tokens and money from the tourists. Children of school going age therefore prefer to go to beaches in search for tourists who give them tokens in exchange for sex. Other factors affecting education for girls include unwanted pregnancies and the fact that they are forced to early marriages by their parents for economic gains. Kenyan women are discriminated against in most areas of formal employment and more often left with poorly paid jobs or no jobs at all. This makes prostitution an alternative. The HIV/AIDS scourge in Kenya is estimated to claim 500 lives daily leaving many orphans. The young children left become heads of the families and may often turn to sex tourism and prostitution as a means of earning a living to support their siblings. Impact of Sex Tourism in Kenya Sex tourism can be seen as both a risk and an opportunity. Most women in sex tourism face the risk of material loss because their clients may not pay them for the services (ref. The Marco case). Women are generally helpless against such exploitation and take it as part of their business. Sex workers face the risk of losing their money to thieves and police because they have to bribe their way out if caught as they mostly work at night. Women can sometimes face attacks by dissatisfied customers. These attacks may be in form of rape, cruelty, violence or even murder. â€Å"Monica Njeri was a 32- year old mother of two and a prostitute in Mombasa. She was brutally murdered by Frank Sundstrom a 19 year old USA navy service man who wanted the kind of sex that Monica could not provide. When he was not satisfied with merely sleeping, he woke up and tried to steal back the money he had given to her plus her own money but she woke up and caught him in the act. In ensuing struggle, he broke a beer bottle to make a weapon and repeatedly stabbed her until she died. † (Migot- Adhola 1982:74). Although Sundstrom admitted the offence, his only sentence was to sign a bond of 500/- (equivalent to US$46 at that time) to be of good conduct. Women in sex tourism industry and prostitution are continually exposed to sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS. Many tourists may not accept to use protection such as condoms because they argue that it interrupts the flow of sex and carrying it may imply that one is promiscuous (Clift and Grabowski 1997). Sex workers are also faced with the danger of susceptibility to anal or cervical cancers, additionally, since many women are forced into sex work, many of them only work under influence of drugs and/or alcohol. This may lead to depression or alcohol addiction. Sex tourism has been blamed in Kenyan coast for increasing rate of school drop-out, poverty and illiteracy. This is mainly because children of school going age choose not to school but to follow tourists who lure them to sex tourism. However, some women that have risked sex tourism have been able to build better houses and invested in urban businesses. This is largely because earnings from prostitution are often more than those from other alternative employment opportunities open to women. Sex workers contribute to national economy by boosting profits of many transnational hotels and airlines, taxi drivers, brothel owners and many other intermediaries. The Kenyan police, the state, as well as the local and international enterprises are well aware that sex has a market value even though they proclaim that prostitution is immoral (Ryan and Hall 2001). Sex tourism has also contributed to cultural exchange because many sea workers are forced to learn foreign languages so that they can communicate with their clients. There are occasions when these temporary relationships ave led to marriages hence removing such girls from prostitution. The other positive impact is that health workers are encouraged to go for regular medical checkups because of the nature of their work, hence paying more attention to their health. Bibliography Awanohara 1975. Protesting the sexual imperialists. Far Eastern Economic Review, 87 (21st March) PP 5-6. Bishop, R. and Robinson, L. S. 1998. Night Ma rket: Sexual cultures and the Thai Economic Miracle, London and New York: Routledge. Boston Globe Thursday November 23, 1995 Cater, E. A 1989 â€Å"Tourism in less Developed Countries†. In Annals of Tourism Research Vol. 16 No. 4. Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 2001 Economic Survey of Kenya. Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 2002 Economic Survey of Kenya. Chissim F. 1996. An exploratory and Descriptive Research on Child Prostitution and Tourism in Kenya. EPAT Report, Nairobi. Clift S and Grabowski, 1997 Tourism and Health: Risks, Research and Responses. Biddles Ltd, Guilford and King’s Lynn Cohen, E 1988. Tourism and AIDS in Thailand. Annals of Tourism Research, 15 (4), PP 467-86 Cohen, E. 1982. Thai Girls and Farang men: The Edge of Ambiguity Annals of tourism Research, 9 (3) PP 403-28 Collins Patricia Hills 2000. The Sexual Politics of Black Womanhood. In Disch Estelle(ed). Reconstructing Gender. A multicultural Anthology. Mayfield publishing East Africa Standard September 12, 1995 Enloe, Cynthia (2000) â€Å"On the Beach; Sexism and Tourism† in Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of the International Politics: University of California press (2nd edition) Pp 19-41 Enloe, Cynthia 2002. The prostitute, the colonel and the Nationalist, in: Enloe, Cynthia: Maneuvers: The international politics of militarising women’s lives: London and Los Angeles: University of California Press (2nd Edition) pp 19-41 Ennew, J 1986. The sexual exploitation of children. Polity press, Cambridge Fish, M. 1984 Controlling Sex Sales to Tourists: Commenting on Graburn and Cohen. Annals of Tourism Research 11(4) 615-617. Gakahu C. G and Goode B. E 1992. Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Kenya. Wildlife Conservation International. Graburn, N. H 1983. Tourism and prostitution, Annals of Tourism Research, 10:437-56 Hall C. M. 1994. Nature and Implications of Sex tourism in South-East Asia in: V. H. Kinnaird and D. R. Hall (ed) Tourism: A Gender Analysis Chichester, John Wiley PP-142-163 Harrison, David 1992, (ed) Tourism and the Less Developed Countries. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. Jommo, R. B (1987: Indigenous enterprise in Kenya's tourism industry Geneva: itineraires etudes du development , Institute Universitaire d'Etudes du Development). Lim, Lean Lin 1998. Whither the sex sector? Some policy considerations University of California press, pp 49-108. Migot-Adhola, S. E et al ,1982. Study of Tourism in Kenya with emphasis on the attitudes of the Residents of the Coast. Institute for Development Studies Consultancy Report No. 7, Nairobi University Montgomery Heather 2001. Child Sex Tourism in Thailand: In D. Harrison ed. Tourism and the Less Developed World Issues and Case Studies. Pruitt. D. and Lafont S. 1995 For Love and Money: romance tourism in Jamaica, Annals of Tourism research 22(2); 419 – 440. Richter, L. K. 1995. Exploring the political role of gender in tourism research. In W. F. Theobald (ed. ) Global Tourism in the next decade. Oxford Boston: Butterworth Heinemann. Ryan Chris and Hall C Michael (2001): Sex Tourism: Marginal People and Liminalities Routledge London Ryan Chris (1991) Tourism and Marketing. A symbiotic Relationship? Tourism Management Journal pp 101-109. Butterworth –Heinenmann Ryan. C. and Rachel Kinder (1996). Sex, tourism and sex tourism: fulfilling similar needs? Tourism Management 17(7): 507-518. Elservier Science Ltd . Sindiga Isaac 1999: Tourism and African Development: Change and Challenge of Tourism in Kenya. African Study Centre. Leiden The Nertherlands Truong, Thanh-Dam 1983. The dynamics of sex tourism. The case of South-east Asia. Development and change 14, 533-53. Weaver, D. B. 1998 Ecotourism in less developed world. CAB International World Tourism Organisation,1999. Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. WTO, Madrid, Spain. Young, G. 1973. Tourism: Blessings or Blight? Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. The Vatican representative to WTO (2003). http://www. cathnews. com/news/304/43. php

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on The Letter

, again, carry a simple and ... Free Essays on The Letter Free Essays on The Letter â€Å"The Letter† by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, speaks to the reader with emotion; passionately capturing one’s deep and in fatuous love for another. The poem written by a man about a woman, begins by describing her most beautiful features, and transcends to the question of whether or not she will marry him, if he were to ask her via letter. Although the poem is in simple matters, the idea of the poem, purely driven by the forces of affection creates abstraction to content, thus the poem becomes simplistically rich. Tennyson achieves this richness through the use of assonance- every other line creating a rhyme scheme, as the language remains intense and concentrated, and vivid are the pictures reflected from the wording. From four stanzas’ a pattern is created (A/B form) where every other line, the last word rhymes. The first stanza sings: â€Å"Where is another sweet as my sweet, Fine of the fine, and shy of the shy? Fine little hands, fine little feet- Dewy blue eye.† This use of assonance pleases the reader, because it carries a consistent beat much like the beat of a human heart. In turn, a natural or biological rhythm is produced, paced at the rate of a heart that is experiencing the â€Å"rush† of love expressed throughout the poem. As the poem strides on, a break occurs just after the eleventh line where the one-syllable- word â€Å"fly† replaces A/B form. This may give the impression that the heart has skipped a beat. He who writes the poem of this girl has felt something as he takes the reader along beats of experience. Not only does the use of assonance liven the poem, clearly, it also captures the mood in which the writer swings his thoughts. Indeed Tennyson concentrates and intensifies the poem through his use of language. Beginning in the first stanza, a detailed description, of the girl who captures the heart of a man, is written so tightly and concentrated, that the words, again, carry a simple and ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Effects of Television on Americans Health Essays

The Effects of Television on Americans Health Essays The Effects of Television on Americans Health Essay The Effects of Television on Americans Health Essay Televisions Effect on Health in American Culture Liberty University English Abstract Television has a detrimental effect on the health in American culture. Studies show that Americans view more than 151 hours of television a month or 5 hours or more a day. The lack of physical activity during that time is linked to the high obesity rate in America today. Children and adults alike are affected by obesity, which also lead to diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, different types of cancers, etc. n which are only a few of the diseases associated with obesity. Excessive television watching with no physical also leads to poor eating habits because of exposure to commercials on television advertising unhealthy foods. It is stated that children are the main targets of these commercials. Studies showed that children are exposed to more than 40,000 commercials a year, making them very vulnerable to these ads. Television has a very negative impact on the health of Americans. Watching television can be hazardous to your health.This fact has been confirmed by any studies that have been done for decades on children and adults. Television affects the health of Americans because excessive television watching causes less physical activity that leads to obesity due to poor eating habits associated with commercials advertising unhealthy foods. A person is considered obese when they have too much fat accumulation, causing their body weight to be 20% higher than normal (medical news today), w hich often occurs when a person sit for a long period of time watching television with no physical activity.The Nielsen Company reported hat at the end of 2008 the average person viewed overl 51 hours of television in a month, or 5 hours or more a day (Rosen, 2009), and those figures are even more extensive today. Televisions effect on the health of American society has been of great concern for decades. One of the main concerns is its strong link to the high obesity rate in America today. Research conducted at Harvard first linked television watching to obesity more than 25 years ago.Since then extensive research has confirmed the link between television viewing and obesity in children and adults Harvard School of Public Health, 2013, Para. 3). Additional studies show that for every extra two hours people spend watching television per day (over the 2 hours recommended), their chances of contracting type 2 diabetes rises 20%, and heart disease is raised by (Gardner, 2011). These ar e only a few diseases associated with obesity, others include, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, different types of cancer, liver and gall bladder disease etc.These diseases are increasing more and more each day and are no longer considered adult diseases, but children re being affected as well. Two studies that followed children from birth found that TV viewing in childhood predicts obesity risk well into adulthood and mid-life, especially with children with televisions in their bedrooms, which gained more weight than those that did not (Harvard School of Public Health, 2013).Nevertheless, many Americans do not realize the connection between watching television and obesity because it is considered one of Americas leading pass times, and is not believed to be harmful in any way. Most people consider it entertaining, others view t to relax, relieve depression, stress, and loneliness. Television does have some positive effects on the American culture, but very few studies have been found to show these effects. Some of these positive effects consist of shows and commercials that promote healthy living and eating habits.These include exercise programs that can be viewed throughout the day to help people incorporate a good fitness program into their busy schedules, commercials that advertise good healthy food choice, like menus. However, the majority of television commercials use beautiful models or amous actors to promote unhealthy food products, which camouflage the hidden dangers of eating these products and deceive people into thinking they can eat these unhealthy foods and look like the people that are in the ads. These ads affect children more than adults because they cannot differentiate between what is real and whats not.Dittmann (2004) stated that the average child is exposed to more than 40,000 TV commercials a year, and because children are the target of these commercials, and easily persuaded, after Just one exposure to a commercial, hildren can recall the ads content and have a desire for the product (Para. 19). Therefore, making it difficult for parents that try to encourage healthy eating habits, and because, most of these numerous commercials on television advertise Junk food, being exposed to these commercials cause individuals to prefer these foods over healthy ones.This exposure leads to mid-meals snacking, consumption of high fatty foods, and decrease in energy levels in adults as well as children (Dennison Laskoski, 2004), which are major contributor to the high obesity rate. For example, n todays society people can get almost everything fast. There are multiple fast food restaurants in every city. People are enjoying the convenience of not having to prepare meals whenever they choose. Families can run out and pick up a meal, bring it home and eat dinner while watching television.This is done several days a week because it is quick and inexpensive, unaware of the dangers that are associated with this simple pass time. Parents that should encourage decreased television time and monitoring what their children are watching are instead contributing to the problem ecause of their own inability to live a healthy lifestyle. Children perceive this as a normal way of life, causing this behavior to be passed down for generations to generation, which is a vicious cycle that has been handed down for decades.Adults and children alike are encouraged to incorporate some form of physical activity in their daily lives along with watching television, whether its walking, riding a bicycle, jogging, or Just adding some type of movement throughout the day to reduce their chances of contracting these diseases. Regardless of the knowledge that is seen and taught or studies that have been done on how to be healthy and remain healthy, Americans are still not taking heed to these warnings and are spending more and more time watching television and living sedentary lives, contributing to the already high obesity rate.Obesity does not discriminate it affects individuals of every ethnic background. Regardless to race, age, gender, and income or education level the statistics are found to be staggering. Therefore, there is an obesity epidemic in America because of the excessive amount of television Americans are watching. If excessive television watching is not decreased and substituted with some form of physical activity, the physical health of America will remain in Jeopardy for decades to come.The widespread of obesity will continue at an alarming rate, because of the unhealthy diets of Americans due to television commercials advertising unhealthy food Ounk food). television watching causes less physical activity that leads to unhealthy eating habits associated with commercials advertising unhealthy foods.Televisions Effect on the Health in Americans CultureI. Negative effects of Television on Health. A. Contribute to high obesity rate.1. Less physical activity.2. Poor eating habits3. Comm ercials advertising unhealthy foods.II. Links between excessive television watching and obesity confirmed.A. Americans watch 151 hours per day.1. 5 hours or more a day.2. Extra 2 hours per day.a. Type 2 diabetes risk increase 20%.b. Heart disease risk increase 15%.c. Causes high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, cancers, and liver and gall bladder diseases.III. Positive Effects of Television on Health.A. Commercials that promote Healthy Eating habits.1 . Advertise good healthy food choices.2. Subway restaurant (healthy meals).3. Healthy food choices on fast food menus.B. Television shows that promote health and fitness.IV. Solutions and prevention to the problem.A. Encourage physical activity.1. Walking daily.2. Bike riding.3. Jogging daily.4. Incorporate some type of movement throughout the day.V. Conclusion.A. Television is linked to the high obesity rate, because Americans are indulging in oo many unhealthy foods due to excessive television watching void of physical activi ty. References [Online image, boy watching tv eating chips]. Retrieved September 23, 2013 from cdc. gov/obesity/childhood/problems. html Dennison, B. , Laskovski, K. (2004).Television viewing and health: Encyclopedia of health and behavior 2, 791-793 Dittmann, M. (2004). Protecting children from advertising. 35 (6) p. 58 Retrieved from apa. org/monitor/Jun04/protecting. aspx. Garner, A. (2011).TV watching raises risk of health problems, dying young. Retrieved from cnn. om/2011/health/ 06/14/tv. watching. nhealthy/index. html Harvard School of Public Health (2013).The obesity prevention source: Television watching and sit time Retrieved from http:// www. hsph. harvard. edu/obesity-prevention-source/obesity-causes/television-and- sedentary-behavior-and-obesity/#Adult-TV-Viewing-and-ObesityMedical news today. Retrieved from medicalnewstoday. com/info/obesityRosen, D. (2009).Watching TV leads to obesity: The more TV you watch the fatter you become psychologytoday. com/blog/sleepingangels/200908/watc hing-tv-leads-to-obesity

Monday, November 4, 2019

Creatingyour dream job Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Creatingyour dream job - Assignment Example Teamwork Able to lead the team with expertise, address team conflicts, use emotional intelligence to understand team dynamics and synergize individual strengths into team's overall strengths. Interpersonal Skills Able to socialize with and empathize/respect people to gain a good rapport and credibility and be aware of prevailing issues, maintain composure in critical situations. Problem Solving and Decision making skills Able to identify current and potential problems/opportunities and take a quick and informed decision before or during the issue at hand. Planning and Organizing skills Able to weigh and prioritize the tasks, set and meet objectives and deadlines by devising plans to ensure successful execution of activities. Creativity Brings innovative and cost effective ideas/solutions to problems, introduces a positive change by identifying and applying best practices, makes efficient use of available resources to deal with all HR operations. MS Office and Internet Able to use tec hnology to communicate throughout the organization for handling conflicts and manage HRIS and other HR related Operations, proficient in MS Excel and MS Word for document and data maintenance. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Maintain HR Business Relationships by observing cost and headcount trends, evaluating employee feedbacks to identify unusual trends and provide relevant solutions to relevant departments. Oversee the entire Recruitment and Selection process including identifying hiring needs, implementing cost-effective sourcing of candidates and oversee orientation in compliance with company's recruitment and selection procedure. Oversee and manage the Performance Appraisal process in communication with the Line Managers and update the HOF with relevant results that is the names of high performers and low performers. Oversee and manage the Training and Development programs at regional level by identifying training needs, facilitating Line Managers in developing Development Plans/career paths and updating HOF with training schedules. Manage employee relations by conducting regular meetings with Line Managers to identify workplace dissatisfactions and conflicts, suggest them appropriate ways of managing these issues, conduct exit interviews and update HOF with full report. Manage HR Operations at regional level Manage Job Descriptions' provisions and updates to ensure JD's for all positions are available and updated. Highlight employee engagement needs in the region, coordinate with Organizational Development to plan appropriate activities and facilitate development programs. (Lane) Compensation And Benefits Package As a Relationship Manager of HR

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Debate Preparation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Debate Preparation - Essay Example Moreover, it may also send confusing messages to girls that premarital sex is acceptable. Consequent high risk behavior in young girls may ultimately lead to fatal carelessness by acquiring HIV infection. Another concern which remains is that Gardasil is only protective against HPV strains 16, 18, 6 and 11, which account for 70% of all cervical cancers. As there are more than 80 serotypes, with several serotypes associated with high and intermediate risk of developing cervical cancer, protection against all of them remains elusive. Moreover, different HPV serotypes may be linked with cervical cancer in different regions of the world, resulting in marked differences in the protective efficacy of the vaccine. The highest risk relates to the safety of the vaccine, which has not been proven yet. Majority of the subjects who received Gardasil had side effects within 15 days, which included fatigue, muscle pain and inflammation at injection site (Merck's Gardasil vaccine not proven safe). The current vaccines containing synthetic/ recombinant antigens are less immunogenic than the older versions of vaccines derived from live attenuated or killed organisms.